• Gamers sejati pasti butuh ini
  • Bagi yang mau tau cara merawat muka dengan baik
  • Bagi yang hobi atau baru ingin belajar bermain piano masuk
  • Bagi yang memakai OS XP dan masih merasa lambat

Cara Membuat game di Notepad

Pada malam hari ini saya masih sempat membuat artikel untuk para Sahabat sekalian walaupun badan agak kelelahan dikit karena saat ini sudah tengah malam... yaa tapi Toko jualan Hp Ortu belum tutup sedangkan saya yang disuruh jaga sebentar... yaa untuk ngisi waktu saya akan menulis artikel yang berjudul Cara Membuat game di Notepad

Oke kita langsung aja deh . . .
Buka notepad-nya dulu dan lalu CoPas (Copy Paste) salah satu code di bawah ini.

Game Taruhan
Tenang kok, ini bukan taruhan benaran. Game ini hanya menggunakan uang pura-pura. Sahabat sekalian bisa juga kok Cheat game ini karena saya telah memasukkan cheat kedalam kode ini. Mau tau?

@echo off
title Super Taruhan!
set mny=0
set nbg=0
set asli=100000
set not=0

set jwl=5000
set bli=10000
taskkill /im nopengine_touched.exe>>hidden
taskkill /im "Cheat Engine.exe">>hidden
if %not%==0 echo Please don't be cheat!
if %not%==1 echo You're using my cheat! You're lazy! :'(
echo Cash mu adalah %mny%
echo Tabunganmu adalah %nbg%
echo Uangmu adalah Rp %asli%
set var=%random%
set/p "cho=Pilih menu? (1=Main 2=Buy Cash M=Nabung A=Ambil tabungan J=Jual Cash G=Give Friends Cash Y=Give Friends Money E=Exit)"
if %cho%==1 goto chk
if %cho%==2 goto bli
if %cho%==m goto nbg
if %cho%==M goto nbg
if %cho%==A goto anb
if %cho%==a goto anb
if %cho%==J goto sll
if %cho%==j goto sll
if %cho%==G goto gfc
if %cho%==g goto gfc
if %cho%==y goto gfm
if %cho%==Y goto gfm
if %cho%==E goto exit
if %cho%==e goto exit
if %cho%==iamrichman goto cit1
if %cho%==youmustgivememuchmoney goto cit2
if %cho%==noloseman goto cit3
if %cho%==iamstingkyman goto cit4
if %cho%==loseallmycash goto cit5
if %cho%==ifyouareapoorman goto cit6
if %cho%==ilikehackingatm goto cit7
echo Wrong input!
goto exit
if %mny%==0 goto fail
echo Taruhan berapa (1 sampai %mny%)?
set/p "inp=>"
if %inp% gtr %mny% goto fail
set /a mny=%mny%-%inp%
echo %var%!
set aaa=0
set bbb=0
set ccc=0
set ddd=0
set eee=0
set fff=0
if %var%==32767 set /a aaa=%inp%*10>>hidden
if %var% gtr 30000 set /a bbb=%inp%*7>>hidden
if %var% gtr 25000 set /a ccc=%inp%*5>>hidden
if %var% gtr 20000 set /a ddd=%inp%*3>>hidden
if %var% gtr 15000 set /a eee=%inp%*2>>hidden
if %var% gtr 10000 set /a fff=%inp%*1>>hidden
if %var% LEQ 10000 goto raw
set /a law=%aaa%+%bbb%+%ccc%+%ddd%+%eee%+%fff%>>hidden
set /a mny=%mny%+%law%>>hidden
echo Selamat kamu mendapatkan cash sebesar %law%!
echo Now your cash is %mny%!
goto awal
echo %var%!
echo Maaf, anda belum beruntung.
goto awal
echo You don't have enough cash!
echo Buy cash press enter, exit if not.
goto bai
echo Beli berapa? (1 Cash= Rp10000)
echo Your money is Rp %asli%
echo 1 Cash
echo 2 Cash
echo 3 Cash
echo 4 Cash
echo 5 Cash
echo 6 Cash
echo 7 Cash
echo 8 Cash
echo 9 Cash
echo 10 Cash

set/p "inp=Or more"
set /a sem=%inp%*%bli%
if %sem% gtr %asli% goto nomo
set /a asli=%asli%-%sem%
set /a mny=%mny%+%inp%
echo Now, your cash is %mny%.
set/p "cho=Beli lagi? (1=Yes 2=No M=Nabung A=Ambil tabngan)"
if %cho%==1 goto bai
if %cho%==2 goto awal
if %cho%==m goto nbg
if %cho%==M goto nbg
if %cho%==A goto anb
if %cho%==a goto anb
echo Wrong input!
goto exit
set/p "tab=Nabung berapa?"
set /a nbg=%nbg%+%tab%>>hidden
set /a mny=%mny%-%tab%>>hidden
echo Tabungan selesai
goto awal
set/p "tab=Ambil berapa?"
set /a nbg=%nbg%-%tab%>>hidden
set /a mny=%mny%+%tab%>>hidden
echo Sorry, you don't have enough money!
echo Current money Rp %asli%
echo Tabungan selesai
goto awal
echo Current money Rp %asli%
set/p "inp=Jual berapa?"
if %inp% gtr %mny% goto fail
set /a temp=%inp%*%jwl%
set /a asli=%asli%+%temp%
set /a mny=%mny%-%inp%
goto awal
set/p "tab=Beri berapa?"
set /a mny=%mny%-%tab%>>hidden
goto awal
set/p "tab=Beri berapa?"
set /a asli=%asli%-%tab%>>hidden
goto awal
if not %asli%==0 goto bai
echo You don't have money!!! You lose.
echo Current money Rp %asli%
set/p "cho=Solution? (1. Sell more cash 2. Exit)"
if %cho%==1 goto sll
if %cho%==2 goto exit
echo %mny%>>cashlog.sts
echo %asli%>>moneylog.sts
echo %nbg%>>savedcashlog.sts
echo ----------------------------------------------------------
echo All player cash
type cashlog.sts
echo ----------------------------------------------------------
echo All player MOney
type moneylog.sts
echo ----------------------------------------------------------
echo All Player Savings Money
type savedcashlog.sts
echo ----------------------------------------------------------
set not=1
set /a mny=%mny%+250000
echo Cheat actived!
goto awal
set not=1
set jwl=50000
echo Cheat actived!
goto awal
set not=1
set random=32767
echo Cheat actived!
set not=1
set bli=0
echo Cheat actived!
goto awal
set not=1
set mny=0
echo Cheat actived!
goto awal
set not=1
set /a asli=%asli%+%random%
echo Here is my money! So, I don't have more money again!
goto awal
set not=1
set /a nbg=%nbg%+2500000
echo Cheat actived!
goto awal

Simpan dengan ekstensi *.bat. Caranya Save as => Ubah "Text documents" menjadi "All Files"


@echo off
set darah=300
set a=100
set b=25
set c=10
set d=5
goto train
set musuh=50
goto mudah
IF %darah% lss 1 goto lose
echo Level 1
echo Nyawa Musuh %musuh%
echo Nyawa karakter anda %darah%
echo 1. Attack (%a%) 2. Deep atack (%b%) 3. Killing Death (%c%) 4. Super deep killing death (%d%)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==1 goto a
if %cho%==2 goto b
if %cho%==3 goto c
if %cho%==4 goto d
echo Kau terlewatkan!
goto lawan
if %a%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-5
set /a a=%a%-1
echo You damage me in 5!
goto lawan
if %b%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-15
set /a b=%b%-1
echo You damage me in 15!
goto lawan
if %c%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-25
set /a c=%c%-1
echo You damage me in 25!
goto lawan
if %d%==0 goto lawan
set /a d=%d%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-50
echo You damage me in 50!
goto lawan
IF %musuh% lss 1 goto duax
set /a tmp=32767/10
set /a sem=%random%/%tmp%
set /a darah=%darah%-%sem%
echo I damage you in %sem%!
goto mudah

set musuh=75
set /a darah=%darah%+25
goto sedang
IF %darah% lss 1 goto lose
echo Level 2
echo Nyawa Musuh %musuh%
echo Nyawa karakter anda %darah%
echo 1. Attack (%a%) 2. Deep atack (%b%) 3. Killing Death (%c%) 4. Super deep killing death (%d%)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==1 goto e
if %cho%==2 goto f
if %cho%==3 goto g
if %cho%==4 goto h
echo Kau terlewatkan!
goto etek
if %a%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-5
set /a a=%a%-1
echo You damage me in 5!
goto etek
if %b%==0 goto lawan
set /a b=%b%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-15
echo You damage me in 15!
goto etek
if %c%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-25
set /a c=%c%-1
echo You damage me in 25!
goto etek
if %d%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-50
set /a d=%d%-1
echo You damage me in 50!
goto etek
IF %musuh% lss 1 goto tigax
set /a tmp=32767/25
set /a sem=%random%/%tmp%
set /a darah=%darah%-%sem%
echo I damage you in %sem%!
goto sedang

set /a darah=%darah%+50
set musuh=100
goto above
IF %darah% lss 1 goto lose
echo Level 3
echo Nyawa Musuh %musuh%
echo Nyawa karakter anda %darah%
echo 1. Attack (%a%) 2. Deep atack (%b%) 3. Killing Death (%c%) 4. Super deep killing death (%d%)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==1 goto i
if %cho%==2 goto j
if %cho%==3 goto k
if %cho%==4 goto l
echo Kau terlewatkan!
goto demek
if %a%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-5
set /a a=%a%-1
echo You damage me in 5!
goto demek
if %b%==0 goto lawan
set /a b=%b%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-15
echo You damage me in 15!
goto demek
if %c%==0 goto lawan
set /a c=%c%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-25
echo You damage me in 25!
goto demek
if %d%==0 goto lawan
set /a d=%d%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-50
echo You damage me in 50!
goto demek
IF %musuh% lss 1 goto empat
set /a tmp=32767/30
set /a sem=%random%/%tmp%
set /a darah=%darah%-%sem%
echo I damage you in %sem%!
goto above

set /a darah=%darah%+50
set musuh=125
goto susah
IF %darah% lss 1 goto lose
echo Level 4
echo Nyawa Musuh %musuh%
echo Nyawa karakter anda %darah%
echo 1. Attack (%a%) 2. Deep atack (%b%) 3. Killing Death (%c%) 4. Super deep killing death (%d%)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==1 goto m
if %cho%==2 goto n
if %cho%==3 goto o
if %cho%==4 goto p
echo Kau terlewatkan!
goto ancur
if %a%==0 goto lawan
set /a c=%c%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-5
echo You damage me in 5!
goto ancur
if %b%==0 goto lawan
set /a b=%b%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-15
echo You damage me in 15!
goto ancur
if %c%==0 goto lawan
set /a c=%c%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-25
echo You damage me in 25!
goto ancur
if %d%==0 goto lawan
set /a d=%d%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-50
echo You damage me in 50!
goto ancur
IF %musuh% lss 1 goto boss
set /a tmp=32767/35
set /a sem=%random%/%tmp%
set /a darah=%darah%-%sem%
echo I damage you in %sem%!
goto susah

set /a darah=%darah%+100
set musuh=150
goto raja
IF %darah% lss 1 goto lose
echo Boss Battle!
echo Nyawa Musuh %musuh%
echo Nyawa karakter anda %darah%
echo 1. Attack (%a%) 2. Deep atack (%b%) 3. Killing Death (%c%) 4. Super deep killing death (%d%)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==1 goto q
if %cho%==2 goto r
if %cho%==3 goto s
if %cho%==4 goto t
echo Kau terlewatkan!
goto mati
if %a%==0 goto lawan
set /a musuh=%musuh%-5
set /a a=%a%-1
echo You damage me in 5!
goto mati
if %b%==0 goto lawan
set /a b=%b%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-15
echo You damage me in 15!
goto mati
if %c%==0 goto lawan
set /a c=%c%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-25
echo You damage me in 25!
goto mati
if %d%==0 goto lawan
set /a d=%d%-1
set /a musuh=%musuh%-50
echo You damage me in 50!
goto mati
IF %musuh% lss 1 goto win
set /a tmp=32767/50
set /a sem=%random%/%tmp%
set /a darah=%darah%-%sem%
echo I damage you in %sem%!
goto raja
echo You has been defeated! You lose. Press enter to exit
echo You win! Conguralations!


Simpan dengan ekstensi .bat.

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Judul: Cara Membuat game di Notepad; Ditulis oleh Josua Ariel | Ariel; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5

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